findigl property platform

findigl - the way for consumers and industry professionals to rethink property


Back in November, 2018, I set to complete a working version of findigl. findigl was originally conceived to take properties for sale data and combine it with other data, to inform users on what they are buying.

My personal use for findigl was to help find bargains in areas I hadn't thought about, but had the same facilities as areas I wanted to buy at.

Latest news January, 2020

Over the last year, most of the infrastructure has been completed. If we take a look at our roadmap - the project in some ways is behind.

Key successes

  • Launched a new version of the site in September, 2019. This will see another overhaul and style overhaul shortly (February 2020).
  • Built and adapted the infrastructure to run the platform.
  • A really good implementation of Piranha CMS and components for building out the web platform.

Key objectives (revised January, 2020)

  • Revamp the existing website. From looking at the usage metrics, it clear some improvements are needed.
  • Automate the platform's data publications.
  • Get real data running through the website.
  • Stop developing code and start getting real interest.
  • Get revenue, increase traffic, and seek investment (if needed).

Get involved and help out

It has taken a lot of self effort, so if you would like to help my efforts personally, feel free to donate here.

Info Rhino at Paypal

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